Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is she pregnant or not?

Recently my wife started to have some pregnancy symptoms. She missed her period which she says was suppose to have come on the 24th (so like 4 days late), shes been feeling very tire, been having a severe headaches for several days now, and shes been having some mild cramping. We both assume that she was pregnant but decided to take a pregnancy test to be sure. We took 2 first response pregnancy tests between a 8 hour period but they both were negative. Is there a chance that the tests could have been wrong? She has to works and she is also a part time student, could the stress be causing these effects her? I insist that she go to the doctors for a checkup but since we do not have insurance, she does that feel the need to do it. Could these problems a sign of a bigger problem/illness?

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