Friday, March 4, 2011

What are the best credit cards for someone who has filed bankruptcy?

I had to file bankruptcy in 2008. Please don't tell me that I don't deserve a credit card caused I screwed up the first time. I ask that you don't call me an irresponsible person either. I borrowed more money than I could pay out of desperation. My mother had no medical insurance. She had a lot of medical bills. My mom was about to lose her home. I borrowed money so she wouldn't lose the house she had worked over 20 years to pay for. I always payed my bills promptly and on time. I had a 748 credit score. I am now trying to rebuild my credit. I've done a few starter loans through a finance company. I would like a credit card that I don't have to pay an annual fee for. My brother bought a credit card years ago. It cost him $60.00. He had no annual fee. Just a high interests rate. That was before all of the prepaid credit cards came out. I understand that I will have a high interest rate. I don't want to have to pay an annual fee. Can anyone tell me some good companies to get a credit card with? Please give me links too. Thank you so much.

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